Please do not close this screen
until the Save Complete notice appears.
Third party users (individuals who are not employees of the applicant organization) are not permitted to access or use the DDCT database.
Eligibility for inclusion of certifications in the DDCT (starting January 1, 2024)
ANCC has announced a new policy regarding the eligibility for inclusion of certification in the DDCT (starting January 1, 2024). Click here to view the new policy.
NEW DDCT FAQs! (updated May 2021)
Visit this link to access the newest DDCT FAQs: https://www.magnetlearningcommunity.org/viewdocument/ddct-frequently-asked-questions-fa
DDCT Date and Time Stamp displays in UTC format.
Please note that the date and time stamp on DDCT reports are displaying in the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format which is 5 hours ahead of Eastern StandardTime (EST) and 8 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time (PST).
Update on the "Staffed Beds" / "Number of Staffed Beds" statistic
The “Number of Staffed Beds” summary number on the DDCT General Information screen is no longer an editable field (as of December 2018).
That number/field is automatically calculated by the system and will be the SUM of the “Number of Staffed Beds” data entered by customers in their DEMOGRAPHIC ENTRY (Demographic Matrix) section of the DDCT via the “Utilization of Organization Services” question set.
The “Number of Staffed Beds” that you enter per unit should be for “inpatient units” only.
Issue with "Load from a Previous Submission" function
In order to use the "Load from a Previous Submission" function within the DDCT, you must first create a new report via the "Add New Report" tab.
STEP 1 - ADD and SAVE a new, blank 'in progress' DDCT report.
When you add and create a new report, you will need to manually enter all the required data requested on the General Information screen. (The general organization information can be edited and updated after initial creation, so you can enter temporary/placeholder data initally.)
Scroll all the way down and ensure that you fill in all of the required fields.
Click the "Save" button that is located at the bottom of the page (you may need to scroll).
STEP 2 - Use the "Load from a Previous Submission" function to import previous units, certifications, and/or data from a previous report into your new, blank report.
After creating your new, blank "In Progress" DDCT report, from your DDCT dashboard, click the "Review" button that is on the row of your new, "In Progress" report that you want to edit.
Click the "Edit" button in the "Hospital Units", "Certifications", or "Demographics Entry" sections.
You will then be able to use the "Load from a Previous Submission" option to copy units, certifications, and data from your previous report to your new report.
NOTE: After loading from a previous report, Units and Certifications can still be edited or deleted, and new ones added, to reflect any changes or additions since previous reporting periods.
New MPD Users and new accounts
If your organization is using to this website for the first time, enter the Magnet Program Director's work email address, then select the "Forgot Password" link in the login box to establish your password for the DDCT.
MPDs/Organization Administrators are responsible for setting up and managing the organization's user accounts in the DDCT to ensure appropriate access to the system.
This includes adding/editing accounts for new MPDs, CNOs, and other Organization Administrators, and removing/deleting access as appropriate.
If you have questions or issues, please email ddct@ana.org
XML Schema and Export
Use of the XML Schema requires that your organization acquire the services of an Information Technology professional with expert knowledge of Extensible Markup Language (XML) and a thorough understanding of your organization’s source data systems.
You can now export your most recently completed demographic report from the DDCT in XML format. From your Report Dashboard, select the down arrow to the right of the Review button for the report and select Download as XML. Once your XML expert updates the data, the XML file can be uploaded to the system with a single button click.
Supported Browsers Include:
• Internet Explorer 9, 10, & 11
• Google Chrome
• Mozilla Firefox
• Opera
DDCT Video Vignettes
Please see http://www.magnetlearningcommunity.org/magnet/forms-and-templates/ddct to access and view the nine DDCT training videos that cover the different steps of the Demographic Data Collection Tool (DDCT). The videos include instructions, tips, and best practices for completing your DDCT report.
Demographic Matrix Export
The far right "totals" column values for RN Turnover, RN Vacancy, and % RNs/LPNs/UAP are not currently accurate. These data points are accurate as displayed in the DDCT.